
A green dresser or two

Yes. We painted our bedroom dressers green. I love color and when my sweet husband surprised me with two, ready-to-be-painted dressers from IKEA (love that place), I jumped at the chance to add some happy color into our room. Of course this meant I got to start from scratch on colors for our bedroom to match our new grey and white striped headboard (photos coming soon). I was debating between yellow, coral, and green but since Tyson also loves green, that was the clear winner. I was worried that the shade I wanted would be hard to find. I didn't want lime green, pea green, or anything of the sort. Just a happy, cheerful, shade of kelly green...and I found it! It's called Aragon Green by Olympic paint from Lowe's. I bought a gallon which was way too much for this project (does anyone need some?). I guess there will be more green projects coming in our distant future. Enough chatter. Let's see the pictures!

Nice and ready for some love.

We painted two coats of Aragon Green (which was paint+primer) and then one coat of Varathane Wood Floor Finish to seal and protect. That stuff is very potent so be sure to have lots of ventilation. Also, keep in mind that the colder it is the longer it takes to dry.

Ta da! All finished. I love how it turned out.


  1. Oh my goodness---LOVE the way they turned out. Didn't realize you could get an unfinished dresser from Ikea...hmmm.....I see a new project in my future.... :)

    1. I didn't really know about the unfinished dressers there, either. It was fun to paint such a big piece of furniture a bright color! That place is trouble for me because I like it so much...

  2. I love this color! it's very you :) I love your new blog too! So fun! Hey, we need to catch up! Call me!

    1. Thanks, Amanda! I do love green. It's been fun to have a blog, finally! I keep checking yours for any updates. :)
