
Eyre Family Reunion 2014

The Eyre family (Tyson's immediate family members and their families) has a reunion every year. This may or may not change for the future, but the past three years we've had one every summer. Each year a different family is in charge of everything and this summer it was our turn! We wanted to do something casual and relaxing with good food and a few activities, so we chose to do overnight camping at the Spanish Fork River Park the last weekend of June. We rented the large group area that included a huge pavilion, a volleyball court, a kid's playground and a big grassy area for camping and frolicking. The campgroup had bathroom facilities, running water, etc. so it wasn't roughing it too bad. (Lucky for me, since I was about 4 months pregnant!) It was quite a task to plan an event and all the food for a family of about 50, all with differing likes and opinions, but we think it overall went well and hope everyone had fun.

Jack did great! He loved his new found freedom in the open space and usually ended up around the parking lot of cars next to the pavilion (so he could point out the lights) or at the water spout which he figured out how to use and got soaked a few different times on the last day. We brought a pack n' play that he started out sleeping in, but it got so cold that we brought him into our bed with us half way through the night. Sleeping on a blow up mattress makes camping much more enjoyable for me, but it was freezing when I had to get up in the middle of the night to use the restroom. (By the way, thanks to our friends Ben and Desi for letting us borrow your camping stuff!) We all survived and came home stinky and dirty, which we all know means a good camping weekend.

The large group picture is not even all of the Eyre family, which gives you a clue to how big it is! A fun weekend we are happy to be done with.


Double holiday

Tyson was born on Father's Day so he usually gets to celebrate twice around Father's Day weekend! This year I tried to surprise him (like I try every year) but he hates surprises and managed to get it out of me on the way there-we went to Rodizio Grill downtown and then a movie. Might I add that we just ate meat and drank Guarana, no salad bar for us that night. For Father's Day, my parents and I went in to buy him a little grill for our patio. We are so excited to have that since we now get to enjoy our backyard! Here are some photos from that weekend.

Little did we know Jack would love corn on the cob! Now he insists on eating it that way whenever possible.


Flowers and bows

Yesterday we found out we will be having a baby girl! Here is Jack with a pink balloon to announce he has a little sister coming. He already gives kisses to my tummy for the baby so he'll be a wonderful big brother.

When the ultrasound tech told Tyson and I that we were having a girl, we looked at each other and each did a little gasp. Ha! I was really expecting another little boy so it was a surprise to me! (We both thought our first was going to be a girl, so maybe I'll just plan on the opposite of what I think it will be next time.) We are so excited! We've had a girl name picked out since I was first pregnant with Jack, so we are happy to have that all settled already. After the ultrasound, Tyson walked Jack and I to the car before he headed back to work and said "You are so excited, huh?" which I replied with "Of course! But I know you're even more excited!" and he agreed and ran off to his car. Yep, he'll be mush with a baby girl. He's already practically like that with our little boy.

I immediately started to look online at baby girl clothes! Oh boy. I'm not even sure what we need for a little girl. Lots of leggings, dresses and hair bows? Okay. We will have to get girly things a little at time because money is tight right now, but I feel like I can't wait! We're starting to think about moving Jack to our current guest room (right next to his nursery) and tweak things in the nursery for the new baby. Any advice on when and how to move a toddler from a crib to a bed? I don't feel like he's ready but I don't want to have two cribs, either. I'm sure the baby will sleep next to us in our room for the first few months so we have a little time. Crazy to start to think about toddler beds and moving my first baby to a little boy room!

Now to think on baby girl nursery colors...


First Trimester

I'm finally back to the blogging world! Sorry about that three month break. The biggest reason for it? My first trimester of pregnancy. I was so sick that I did not feel like doing a thing, including blogging. So, let's just blame the whole thing on that.

Now to talk about the exciting news! I am pregnant! In March we found out that another little one is going to be joining our family sometime around November 30 (a Thanksgiving baby for sure)! We have been so excited. My first trimester was a little rocky with sickness and fatigue, definitely more than I felt with Jack. I had zero appetite and didn't gain any weight because of it. I felt like I would throw up if I ever went more than an hour or two without eating something, but I had no desire to eat. I think I lived on saltine crackers and otter pops for a good month there. The worst were weeks 6-10, and then it slowly got better. By week 16, I almost felt like myself again. Geez. I was also so, so tired and would nap when Jack napped (something unusual for me to do). Poor little Jack had to be okay with a tired mommy laying on the couch every morning while he played near by. I really can't complain much because I know there are a lot of women who have a really hard time with sickness during their whole pregnancy, so I'll just leave it at that.

We told everyone we were pregnant with Jack wearing a shirt that says "This guy is getting promoted to big brother" to some family get togethers around Easter. It took some of our family members a few minutes to realize what it said, but everyone has been so excited for us! I decided to take my progress pictures only every 4 weeks or so (I did it every other week with Jack) in front of our yellow shed in the backyard. The photo above was taken almost 3 weeks ago when I was 16 weeks along.

It's always so exciting to see that little one at your first ultrasound! Just a little jelly bean in my tummy. I got to see the baby in another ultrasound at my 12 week appointment because the doctor couldn't hear the heartbeat well (everything's fine). I was able to see the little bug's profile! Next week we get to find out the gender already! It seems like it's gone by pretty quickly.

It's been kind of cool to really think about this little one joining our family. I wonder how Jack will do. I wonder how I will do this second time around. I still feel like a new mom most of the time and that I am learning. I am so happy to have Tyson as my husband and the father to my children. He loves Jack so much and is so good with him. Jack will go around the house saying "dadda" all day when Tyson's at work. Jack laughs and smiles the most when daddy's around. If this is a little girl, then watch out! She will have Tyson wrapped around her little finger because of how I see him with our little guy already. We are both so happy and excited for our growing family!