
Bethany's first few weeks.

Yep. Those first few weeks of having a newborn is a blur. At least I took a bunch of photos to document it! When she was about 2.5 weeks old, I took some photos for her birth announcement. The one below is the photo I used because I just loved her sweet little facial expression while she was looking at her big brother at that moment.

Bethany started gaining weight right away and was soon chunking up! She was 7.8 pounds when she was born and weighed 8.4 pounds at her two week appointment (my doctor says that most babies are still at their birth weight at that point). It was a glimpse at what was to come. When she was only 7 weeks old we had an at home nurse visit and she weighed Bethany at 11.8 pounds! I attribute this to what a good nurser she is. She latches great and gets it done. Also, she eats frequently so that helped her get her chubs. I feel very lucky she eats so well. Jack wasn't such a great nurser, which is probably why he was a skinny little one for his first few months (he would usually fall asleep and didn't seem to care much about eating a lot).

Nights are blurry. She wanted to eat every 2-3 hours around the clock, but I expected that. Since she slept so much day and night those first few weeks, I always tried to keep her awake for a short time during the day and keep the lights low at night to help her know her days and nights. We have loved having a woombie sleeper (think of a sleeping bag, complete with the zipper, with only the baby's head out). It's such a nice and easy way to have her swaddled at night with a little wiggle room for her arms to move around inside the sleeper. She had some cradle cap and baby acne for a few weeks but most of that is gone now. She liked baths right away, to hold her head up, her snugabunny swing, and thankfully took a pacifier well. Bethany really favored turning her head to the right when she would sleep or lay on her back so I would always try to gently move her head to the left once she fell asleep. She didn't have much hair but it's slowly growing longer. Bows and headbands have been fun with her!

Jack has been really sweet to Bethany since he's met her. That first week he asked a few times to hold "baby sissa" and he did, sort of (see photos below). He gives her an occasional kiss and lots of hugs with his head only. He does steal her binky occasionally and has kicked her in the head by accident, but other than that, he is pretty dang cute with her. She always looks at him when he's nearby. Jack calls her "Beffy" and it's kind of stuck. Now Tyson calls her that, too!

She's been such a sweet little baby and we love her so much. Here are a few family pictures we took when she was only 3 weeks old! We sure love this little lady and her darling big brother.

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