
We have a toddler

Jack turned 16 months old on Tuesday. 16 months! He's a walking, busy, big-bellied, toddler. Today I put him in a new red and white striped t-shirt and told Tyson that he looks like a little boy now! Tyson always reminds me that he is a little boy. And I always reply with, "he's still my baby". I don't have to let go of saying that for a while, right?!

Some fun stats on Jack right now:

-He wears 18 month clothes, size 5 diapers and weighed 25.5 pounds at his appointment about a month ago (his 15 month check up). He has a big belly and chubby feet.

-He loves to eat most anything, but especially likes cheese sticks, all fruit (he loves blueberries and strawberries), most veggies (peas are his favorite), bread, eggs, pizza, and anything sweet we let him try. I think he loves chocolate like his momma.

-He sleeps very well. At nights he usually sleeps 8pm-8am but when he's teething he wakes up a few times during the night to cry. He takes one nap around noon for 1.5-2.5 hours. He's always been a good night sleeper and we have been so grateful for that.

-He has 10.5 teeth (one molar is still coming through). He has his top 4 front teeth, bottom 3 front teeth (not sure where the 4th one is!?), and 3 molars with one more popping through right now.

-His favorite toys are books, blocks he just started to stack himself and knock over, his little truck, balls, the birds that are hanging on his infant chair that he bats at, his xylophone, his Little Einstein music thingy, blinds, and hangers he hits in our closet. He also doesn't mind his stuffed animals.

-He loves to read so much that I sometimes hide his books under our couch pillows. (We read them first, of course!) If I didn't hide them, I would be reading them over and over to him all the day long. No judging.

-He loves baths! We've had a few bouts of bad diaper rash these last few weeks (maybe all of his fruit eating?!) and I would stick him in the tub to help sooth him. He will run to the bathroom door if he hears the word "bath" or if he thinks he hears the water running. He has a few toys including some fish he likes to chew on and cups he likes to drink the bath water with (gross). If we say "splish splash" he smiles and splashes the water like crazy, resulting in both of us getting wet. Who taught him that?

-He's pretty independent/brave/doesn't care. For instance, when we're at church and he can't sit still, one of us will take him out in the hall and he'll take off without looking back. He'll go into any open door (with or without people) and doesn't seem to mind going right up to people and patting their legs while walking around. I love that he likes pretty much anyone (unless they're too loud and boisterous, then he just cries). My parents always tell me how I liked people and would go to anyone when I was little. Kind of fun to think that may be something he got from me.

-He's got some crazy sleeping positions. Well...more like he moves around all night long. Every time we look in on him he's somewhere different in a new position. Stink bug pose, on his back with his hands behind his head, you name it. He got that from his dad for sure!

-He doesn't say a lot of words yet. He does say "momma" and "mommy" once in a while and occasionally we think we hear a "daddy" but that's about it. Tyson told me when he was alone with him once he heard him say "football" but I kind of doubt that. It's mostly lots of jibberish and grunting.

We sure love this guy. He is growing up before our eyes! It's so fun to be his parents and we love it!

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